The Feet of Darkness

Imagine a world where the unseen rules and the seen are helplessly rooted in darkness.
A world where darkness reigns with gay impunity while evil spread its tentacles unabashed.
A world where darkness threatens all as powers beyond the comprehension of man threatens to eliminate all we know and holds dear.
In such a world, the only game left for all is survival, except...maybe...there are some chosen people somewhere, hiding beyond the darkness that can fight and liberate all...
Jezreel, a mighty angel saddled with the responsibility of preventing the impending doom chose three people to help salvage the destiny of humanity.
Michael, a gullible British scientist, Sharon, a quirky floundering young woman whose entire life was shrouded in mystery and a sword-wielding believer, David, whose faith would be tested to the limit. Would they succeed? Can love overcome darkness and eliminate the spirit of the power of the air?
Can love work its magic on a vengeful soul intent on revenge?
Can love conquer all?

From the Author: 

Seyi Sandra David 

I'm 37 years old, I'm a columnist for a London based magazine, 'Black Heritage Today,' and I blog often, with sporadic tweets thrown in. I'm married with three kids and a Christian. I've been writing for over a decade, acted briefly while at the university, worked as an accountant, Teacher and finally a journalist. A graduate of English language, born in Nigeria, now a Londoner!

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